Sunday, 11 March 2007

The NHIG Constituency

The Notting Hill Gate Improvements Group is constituted as an unincorporated body with representatives of local interests including the Pembridge Association, the Ladbroke Association, the Kensington Society, the Ward Councillors of Pembridge and Campden and those from other disciplines who have come together to do what they can to encourage the improvement of Notting Hill Gate. The primary movers of the Group are John Scott, the Project Coordinator, and David McHugh of the Notting Hill Arts Club. The NHIG Committee meets quarterly on a regular basis and a history of its activities and successes is covered more fully on its website. We welcome positive contributions towards our objectives so please let us have your comments on what you would like to see happening, or would prefer not to see happening, in Notting Hill Gate.
Cllr David Campion, Chairman


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